Peter Bergamini Class Of 1979

I was raised by two hardworking middle-class parents who emphasized faith, family, and country before those words became political punchlines. They also taught me the value of education and hard work, which was largely responsible for my academy appointment. Most importantly, they taught me about the need for humility, ethics, and morality. While I am very far from perfect, I have tried to uphold those values in everyday life, and have tried to pass them on to my children.
I’ve also always tried to incorporate the concept of stewardship throughout my life, in whatever group I was involved with. One of the basic tenets of stewardship is making your organization a better place for the next generation. Our alumni group is no different; the AOG does some great things, but working with an engaged membership, we can make it better.
Finally, stewardship involves giving back, and I’ve always been a volunteer. Academy ALO, church, community, prison ministry… I've always tried to help out others. I look at service on the AOG Board in the same light. I’d simply like an opportunity to serve and give back to an institution that was pivotal in shaping my life. Thank you for your consideration.
Candidacy Statement
Thank you for reading this; most grads are simply not engaged enough to do so. If you are looking for a retired general, a former astronaut, or corporate CEO, please move on to the next candidate. If you are looking for a hardworking candidate who is both concerned and passionate about our USAFA, then I ask for your consideration as an AOG Board candidate.
I’ve had a post-academy career that many grads share. UPT, active duty, ANG/Reserves, airline pilot. But I’ve also kept a constant connection to the academy. I was a liaison officer for 20+ years, often as a volunteer. I’ve been a chapter president and parent’s club volunteer. More importantly, I’ve kept informed about academy issues over the years, the good, the bad, and the swept-under-the-rug. USAFA is a great institution, and a great institution needs the support of a great alumni group. Furthermore, a great alumni group needs team players who are independent thinkers that also have a feel for the concerns of the graduate community. I would like to be part of that team, and I thank you for your consideration.