Dan Bohlin Class Of 1971

Colonel Dan Bohlin (Ret.), USAFA ’71, briefly flew the O-2A in South Vietnam, then became a KC-135A copilot, aircraft commander, flight commander/instructor pilot and Stan/Eval Branch Chief.
He was a 1978 Olmsted Scholar, studying in France, and later earned a Master of Arts degree in political science. His French language and pilot experience led to Air Attache duty in West Africa, flying and reporting on Sub-Saharan francophone countries. After a Research Associate appointment to the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, he became Africa Branch Chief at HQ USAF.
While Deputy Chief, Strategy Division, he helped craft the conceptual strategic air campaign against Iraq. A French Air War College tour then preceded assignment to NATO, establishing HQ Baltic Approaches (BALTAP), Denmark as Assistant Chief of Staff, Plans and Intelligence and becoming the HQ’s Senior US Officer. Active duty ended in late 1997 as Deputy Director, Cooperative Threat Reduction, Office of the SECDEF, and as USAF’s representative on the Olmsted Foundation’s Board of Directors.
He then rehabilitated a Wisconsin farm to a nationally recognized tree farm. The state’s governor appointed him to a six-year term on its Board of Veterans Affairs. Dan and wife, Jean, who have three daughters, will live in Colorado.
Candidacy Statement
Seven decades of graduates in our Association of Graduates (AOG) comprise a fantastic group of patriotic, dedicated and talented Americans, the crème de la crème of our country.
With my walk up “The Ramp,” I had the opportunity to do something special with my young life, winning a true trifecta: for myself, my family and our country. From then to now, I’m proud to be a graduate, a USAF pilot and a career USAF officer. Nothing matches it. All graduates - in whatever we do, each in our own way - sense and believe this as well.
I’ll be living near USAFA, eventually full time. Through our Board of Directors (BOD) I intend to engage with fellow classmates, graduates and USAFA leadership to ensure our Long Blue Line is heard, openly and respectfully, across the continuum of ideas and opinions on matters of import to us - the graduates.
Forging Air & Space Warriors for America - who’ll win the fight - makes USAFA and its product - its graduates - unique. Creating those winning warrior-leaders is the institution’s raison d’etre. Our AOG and BOD should play a constructive role in supporting the forge, ensuring our great nation always wins.