AOG Service SpotlightOctober 2020

The AOG Service Spotlight highlights members of the Air Force Academy family (grads, cadets, family and friends of the Academy) every month who perform outstanding service that makes a positive and meaningful impact in their communities and beyond. Let these inspiring stories foster a spirit of service within the Air Force Academy family and inspire further commitment to a lifetime of service.

In recognition of his outstanding service, Capt. Gluck is Air Force Times’ 2018 Airman of the Year. Over the course of his six years of service, he has given back to the communities in which the Air Force embeds him β€” be it foreign workers in Qatar, Japanese airmen over the Pacific Ocean, or local high school students outside his home duty station of Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana.

β€” Air Force Times

Capt. Julian Gluck β€˜12

Capt. Julian Gluck β€˜12 is a B-52 pilot and flight commander at Barksdale Air Force Base who loves to give back to his community. In 2018 he was honored as the Air Force Times' Airman of the Year for his volunteer work, and has been named to Forbes magazine's top 30 under 30.

Louisiana has been hit hard recently with COVID-19 and hurricanes. Gluck recently helped with the pandemic response and pitched in with a group of volunteers from the base to clear out downed trees and further assist in hurricane recovery. 

Facing a face mask shortage and shopping restrictions on base in April 2020, Gluck describes how the airman and community came together to meet the need. "Alongside the donated materials from around the base, we are also receiving donations from a newly established network of community partners who are helping make masks and donate fabric,” Gluck said. β€œTogether, the community and Barksdale are being brought closer together to help our Air Force during this pandemic.”  

In the aftermath of Hurricane Laura later in August 2020, Gluck teamed up with the local Cajun Navy and other volunteers from the base. Armed with chainsaws and axes,  they helped out homeowners who had trees collapse on their houses.

Gluck is also very passionate about his volunteer work with the Civil Air Patrol and other organizations.  "Anything that you would like to do to give back, there's probably a venue to do it through the Civil Air Patrol. There are always ways to give back, you just have to look for them. It doesn't have to be grand gestures, it can be little things ... that make a difference if everybody does it." He also serves as the national chairman and executive director for the Company Grade Officers' Council focused on mentorship, community service and professional development. 

Gluck hopes to continue giving back any way he can throughout his Air Force career, and loves serving our military and seeing other grads. "We have a phenomenal alumni community. I'm thankful for this community and I hope that there are more ways that all of us can help show what we're truly made of β€” and what we give back in uniform and out of uniform."


Learn about more USAFA grads serving their communities. β–Ί



We have a phenomenal alumni community. I'm thankful for this community and I hope that there are more ways that all of us can help show what we're truly made of β€” and what we give back in uniform and out of uniform.

β€” Capt. Julian Gluck β€˜12