Member Notification


As required by Colorado state law, the Association of Graduates has provided a list of AOG graduate member names and physical mailing addresses to two requesting parties. The names and physical mailing addresses of all members are among the records provided to the requesting parties.

The AOG was established as a 501(c)(3) non-profit membership organization in Colorado in 1968. Therefore, we are subject to the laws of Colorado, including the requirement to allow members to inspect and copy member lists when they have indicated a stated proper purpose. We take the privacy of all members very seriously. When reviewing the requests for member names and physical mailing addresses, we explored legal options regarding any stated proper purpose, described with “reasonable particularity” and in good faith, under state law (C.R.S. § 7-136-102(2)).

The requesting parties are graduate members of the AOG and have met the stated proper purpose requirement for the Association to provide members names and physical mailing addresses to them. Proper purpose(s) must include supporting the Air Force Academy’s mission to develop leaders of character for the nation; partnering with the Academy to produce graduates with a commitment to integrity, excellence, and service to the country; providing leadership, communication, and support to all graduates and friends of the Academy while promoting camaraderie; and developing and maintaining positive and supporting relations with USAFA and the Air Force. In short, a proper purpose must consider the “welfare of the association” as set out for the organization in its Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.

Both parties stated that the purposes they seek in obtaining member names and physical mailing addresses are to communicate with members about their desire to:

  • Change the AOG Bylaws in the Association’s 2025 election
  • Change the AOG Articles of Incorporation in the Association’s 2025 election
  • Run candidates for seats on the AOG board of directors in the Association’s 2025 election

Per the AOG’s privacy policy, both requesting parties have agreed to hold the information in the received lists in confidence and to not use the lists for any reason outside of the stated proper purposes.

In short, the Association’s fulfillment of the requesting parties’ requests for member names and physical mailing addresses upon identification of stated proper purpose is required under Colorado state law.

For questions or concerns about this matter, please contact us at For questions or concerns about this matter, please contact us at

Board of Directors
Association of Graduates