Matching gifts

You may be able to double your gift for free. 

Thousands of companies match their employees' charitable contributions for free. Matching gifts play a crucial role at the Endowment for supporting the Academy, the AOG and our operations.

Matching gifts are donations made by corporations and organizations to an organization also supported by an employee. Gifts are usally matched based on pre-established formulas and limits. The Endowment gratefully accepts matching gift requests provided they follow the guidelines of the company providing the match.

Check to see if your employer has a matching gifts program.

If your company is eligible, look for its matching gift form or an online program, or you can usally find more information from the human resources office. You can print the forms, fill out the necessary information, sign and mail them to us. If you have any questions, please contact our gift processing office at 719-424-7405.

Thank you for taking the extra steps necessary to double the impact of your gift!



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Impact of Giving

Your contributions make an extraordinary difference for the Air Force Academy.