Congratulations to our newly elected 2025 Class Advisory Senate (CAS) Officers!
In early November, the Class Advisory Senate (CAS) held its election for the new officers that will serve a two-year term. The mission of the CAS is to serve graduates of the United States Air Force Academy by providing a conduit for expanded two-way communications with the AOG Board. As an outreach arm of the AOG leadership, the CAS will seek graduatesβ views on relevant issues and pass those views on to AOG Board and AOG leadership. Additionally, the President of the CAS will be an ex-officio member of the Board, with vote. The CAS officers consist of a President, Vice President, and Secretary. There is also an Executive Committee of 10-15 members from the senate body.
Please join us in congratulating our newly elected 2025 CAS officers and Executive Committee:
- President: John Cinnamon β91
- Vice President: AJ Ranft β73
- Secretary: Tom Hayden β74
Executive Committee:
- Dick Sexton β60
- Tom Berry β71
- Ski Wagasky β72
- Dan Beatty β76
- Derek (Turk) Hess β80
- Rick Bailey β92
- Paul Furgerson β99
- Heidi Schlagheck β03
- Shayla CantySmith β04
- Richie Sapp β15
- Kristen McKenney β20
Finally, please join us in thanking our current, outgoing officers who have served served the Long Blue Line for the past two years: Randy Helms β79 (President) and Jason Harris β01 (Vice President). Tom Hayden β74 has been re-elected as Secretary.
You can learn more about the Class Advisory Senate, obtain contact information and review past minutes here: