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Why Give


Like all great public universities, the U.S. Air Force Academy requires sustained private support in order to provide the very best experiences and training for its cadets.

Each year, thousands of donors support the Academy through charitable contributions. Private support is not intended to replace the government’s responsibility. To be sure, the government’s commitment to the Academy is significant — approximately $180 million annually for operations and over $400 million per year once the cost of personnel and funding for research is included.

This federal funding provides the core educational, athletic and military training requirements necessary to be commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Air Force. However, the Academy education and experience is much more special than a government-funded degree, and in this space, your contributions make the difference. Donors help expand the excellence that sets the Academy apart as one of the finest institutions of higher learning, leadership training and character development.
This philanthropic support is the difference between the exceptional opportunities experienced by cadets and the standard opportunities afforded by the federal government. For example, federal funding pays for cadets to learn about space during a classroom lecture. Donor support expands the experience by enabling students to build, launch and monitor satellites that orbit earth.

Likewise, federal funding pays for basic construction for necessary facilities. Donor support expands the scope of these projects to include state-of-the-art equipment, iconic architecture and enhanced programming to bring subject matter to life.

The federal government and donors work in tandem to maximize a public-private partnership for the benefit of cadets.